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Ozarks Experience

Spring is in the Ozarks air!  10 Fun things to do in the Spring or Summer in the Ozarks!

  1. Float down the North Fork River – Enjoy a relaxing day floating down the crystal-clear waters of the North Fork River, one of the best float streams in the Ozarks.
  2. Explore the Mark Twain National Forest – Hike or bike through the beautiful forest and take in the stunning views of the Ozarks.
  3. Visit Rockbridge Rainbow Trout Ranch – Try your hand at fishing for rainbow trout, or just enjoy a peaceful afternoon surrounded by the scenic beauty of the area.
  4. Tour of the Mills – Take a scenic drive through the Ozarks – Explore the historic mills in our area. – Hodgson Mill and Dawt Mill.
  5. Visit local Farmers Market held most every Saturday in West Plains and Gainesville MO. They feature fresh produce, baked goods and handmade crafts from local venders.
  6. Explore the Ozark National Scenic Riverways: The Ozark National Scenic Riverways is a beautiful park that includes the Current and Jacks Fork rivers. Visitors can canoe, kayak, or tube down the river, hike through the surrounding forest, or fish in the crystal-clear waters.
  7. Attend the West Plains Old-Time Music Festival: The West Plains Old-Time Music Festival is held every spring and features traditional music, dancing, and workshops. It’s a great opportunity to experience Ozark culture and meet local musicians.
  8. Go camping, fishing or boating on the beautiful Norfolk or Bull Shoals Lake.
  9. Enjoy the local horse shows and rodeos.
  10.  Attend the Heart of the Ozark Fair held every summer and features carnival rides, games, livestock shows, and live music. It’s a great opportunity to experience the local culture and meet new people.

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